All-on-X Implants

Looking to rebuild your smile after tooth loss? If so, All-on-X implants here at Thayer Dental Care could be your solution to missing teeth. The ‘X’ refers to the number of implants used — often four, six or eight. These are placed into your jawbone, just like the roots of real teeth.

The All-on-X procedure is carefully carried out by our skilled dentists and team. For this treatment, we will use a strong metal called titanium for the implants, which will securely hold your new teeth. The whole process is done with your comfort in mind, often using sedation or local anesthesia.

All-on-X implants offer several benefits over traditional dentures. They feel more like natural teeth, making it easier for you to eat, speak and smile with confidence. Plus, they can help keep your jawbone strong and healthy, which is crucial for your overall facial structure.

However, not everyone is a good fit for All-on-X implants. Certain health conditions or habits, like smoking, could affect your eligibility. But do not worry, Dr. Samir Patel or Dr. Anthony Rusher will thoroughly evaluate your situation to suggest the best treatment for you. All-on-X implants have changed many lives, offering a long-lasting and confident smile. And they could do the same for you!

Call us today at 417-264-7266 to schedule a consultation with our dentists and learn more about All-on-X implants in Thayer, Missouri.